Jan 27, 2009

New Year Shower

The rain is still steadily pouring, refusing to budge and let some sun out to dry up our soggy muddy garden. Chinese new year is usually steamy hot, and one will wish for snow even. It seems fairly odd to be raining so much.
The global weather is going berserk, I tell you. Must be all the fuel that we burn and the unnecessary air-conditioners that we use even when there is a breeze? (<-- Hubby, are you reading this?). But okay, the sun has gone AWOL for days so Hubby is kind enough to let me open the windows to let in some fresh air, minus the artificially cooled air (if you haven't noticed by now, I kinda don't like being in air-con all the time).
Sigh... what is there to do on a day like this ? I think I might go finish up my book (currently reading Beach Babylon) and then perhaps start on a new one.

Gosh, the rain just got heavier and it's barely 10 o'clock in the morning....

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