Dec 8, 2008


I don't know what got into me. I think it must be a swarm of cleaning bug that got to me sometime this weekend.
I have been steadily cleaning up and tidying everything that needs cleaning and tidying. It is as though a wire snapped inside my head, telling me "THIS IS IT! You have to do this NOW!"
Yes, all those months of travelling and then being depressed and work had made me put aside those little things that needed to be done, but just never got done. The junk that was supposed to be thrown out, but never did and I kept cleaning the junk because it's there. But really, it is supposed to be thrown out! But no time! Later, I said. Later. Until today, that is.

i threw out all the rotten shoes, sent newspaper and plastic bottles to the recycling bins
That suitcase that lay unpacked for weeks, I unpacked, laundered and kept
The sheets in the guest room that had not been washed, I washed and are now hanging out to dry
The unused electrical appliances that are supposed to be kept, I kept.
Stacks of unopened bills and useless flyers - now filed or thrown out
Cushion covers for the throw pillows - when was the last time we washed them? - Cleaned now
The soles of the in-house slippers - must have collected so much dust over the months. Cleaned now
Small annoying stains around the rims of the stove that I said I would clean later (for the past year probably) - now cleaned!
The guest pillows that need airing and some sun - all outside now
Food stocked in the refrigerator that were untouched - I have been cooking and eating in for the past week
Crumbs underneath the toaster - cleaned
Water stains on the stainless steel sinks - cleaned
Dead leaves and goodness-knows-what behind the flower pots - swept and thrown out
Old pipes for the aquarium filter - thrown out and changed to new ones
Tiny weeds between the pavement, and little corners in the garden - painstakingly removed. Weeds be gone now!
Emptied my handbag, thrown out useless receipts and dockets

Ah... everything is sparkling now! I wonder if this phase will last. Hmm...

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