Nov 11, 2008

It's So Hard Sometimes

It feels as if these few months, fate is trying to test me. First, I had to go through my miscarriage and try to be strong while hubby couldn't come back in time, and now I am feeling so so so crappy, being sick and coughing my guts out - home alone again. It's not that hubby doesn't keep me company, but I just had to fall sick when he already made plans to return home. On top of that, I am really worried about my dear grandma who is now in the ICU in a critical condition, and the earliest I can return home to be with her is on Friday. I am stuck in a situation at work where it is just impossible for me to leave before Friday unless something really really really bad happens. Bad things are just falling on me at all the wrong moments.

Oh gosh... I wish I am not in this place all by myself most of the time. I wish I am closer to my family. I wish I can get away from the demands of this uninspiring job. I wish all these bad days will just go away :((((


Anonymous said...

Awwww, you poor dear. Here's a hug.

Well, its Murphy's Law at work.

Just last week, I got the worst period cramps ever, accompanied by vomiting, sweating, feeling like Im gonna die etc. And that very moment, HB had to leave to Spain, and the taxi was waiting for him downstairs. It was the shittiest feeling ever, being all alone, in a foreign land, sick all by yourself.

Hang in there sweetie, for when it rains, it pours.


LiQ said...

Thanks. Yes sometimes we just end up in the worst situations! Things are looking better now and I think I should be able to get through the days till my parents come visiting again in Dec :)

Anonymous Offshore Newly-Wed,
I am not sure what happened to your comment. It disappeared when I tried to publish it. But anyway yes, you are not alone!!! They are plenty of us around :))) Feel free to drop me an email anytime ..