Oct 26, 2008

I Am An Offshore Wife

It is a lazy Sunday afternoon. While the sky is still overcast, there is some warmth from the sun that is penetrating through the clouds just enough to give a slight glare outside. But looking upwards, the threat of rain is still there.
I am slightly glad the weekend is almost over. Work starts tomorrow and that means from 7am till 5pm, my To-Do list is a no-brainer. And when I knock off from work, there is dinner to cook, the dogs to feed, dishes to wash and it will be time for telly and bed in a blink. Splendid.
Ah the long weekend. Most (if not all) people love it. But for me, it gets too draggy. More so, following events from a few weeks back. I suppose this is the life of an 'offshore wife'. Living in a small city so far away from family and hubby has to be away offshore on a regular basis. I don't even get to ring him because he works night shifts and on a rig, one does not really have the time to hang on the phone with wifey anyway. Sigh... I cannot wait for this year to be over, after which he will be back with a desk job.

*Offshore wife - spouse of a person who works offshore in the oil&gas business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm an offshore newlywed, and wouldn't ya know it, four days after our wedding he was called out to work... I'm kind of glad i'm not the only one who goes through this